Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The Supreme Court does it again. But first, did you get a chance to see U.S. Justice Antonin Scalia, Sunday night (4/27/08) on CBS's 60 Minutes?

There are two interesting Supreme Court Cases that he had a big part in deciding and he talked about them both. The first was Gore vs. Bush where the Supreme Court handed the Presidency of the United States to George W. Bush. This in turn has led to the past eight years where the U.S. has accomplished nothing except killing thousands of people and going into debt for trillions of dollars. A debt not to be paid by us, but by future taxes on our children and grandchildren. In fact, for the first time ever, U.S. taxes have been lowered during a time of war. Mostly for the wealthy.

Justice Scalia said this WAS NOT a political decision. WHAT? Naming the President of the United States by the Supreme Court is not political? I still can't find a word about the naming of the President of the United States in the Constitution. The only true decision would have been to rule for recounts in whatever states it applied. Let the majority of the people decide who the President is, not the Supreme Court.

In addition he said it was Al Gore who wanted the Supreme Court to rule and he got what he wanted. The Justice is guilty of a short memory in what was the worst ever decision by the high court. It was W. Bush and his fathers conservative backers, led by Jim Baker, who wanted the conservative Court to rule and they got what they wanted.Then, Justice Scalia stated on CBS, it is legal for the U.S. to torture terrorist. His reasoning. The Constitution does not apply to torture. In fact the
word torture never appears in the Constitution. That's not the Constitution I studied in Law School and its not the Constitution of the country we live in.

Fast forward to today. Just a week before the Indiana primary, the USSC upheld the Indiana law where you have to have a government picture identification before you can vote. This ruling will severely limit the poor and aged, particularly the black population, from voting. To get photo-
identification you have to have a birth certificate. That costs money. You have to have transportation to a state government office. That costs money. In Indiana this applies to a demographic that mostly votes for liberal democratic candidates.

When I grew up there was a similar law in most southern states to keep the poor black folks from voting. Not because they were democrats but
because the white folks were afraid who they might vote for.

I had hoped that we were past that. Apparently not in Indiana and not in today's conservative Supreme Court.

It was called a POLL TAX.